Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Notes on the History of Territorial Categories and Institutions in the Rajadom of Sikka
Notes on the History of Territorial Categories and Institutions in the Rajadom of Sikka
Portuguese Missions and Administrative Territories Created by the Dutch
Portuguese Missions and Administrative Territories Created by the Dutch
The earliest European presence on Flores was that
of the Portuguese, who established missions around the contemporary town of
Larantuka at the eastern end of Flores and on the islands of Adonara and Solor.
Not long afterward, at least seven Portuguese mission stations were established
on the island of Ende and on the coast of Ende Bay. Between Larantuka and Ende,
the Portuguese presence was sparser, but Visser (1925: 292) locates two
stations on the north coast of central Flores, at Dondo on the western end of
Maumere Bay and at ‘Krove’ on the north coast near contemporary Nebé. According
to Visser, the station at Krowé was founded between the years 1561 and 1575.
In addition, Visser cites evidence that Paga in
the south-western reaches of Kabupaten Sikka and Sikka Natar itself were the
sites of such stations on the south coast. While there is only a vague
tradition among the contemporary people of Sikka Natar that their village was the
site of a Dominican mission station, as Visser reports, it is possible that the
village was, if not a Dominican station, then at least a place visited more or
less regularly by Dominicans embarked on the Portuguese ships that passed along
Flores’s south coast. Visser’s source identifies the station at Sikka as a
‘parochie’ bearing the name Saint Lucia, and as a congregation numbering 1,000
souls in 1598.
The earliest mention of Sikka I have found in the
literature is that in an unattributed description of the first Christians of
the islands of Solor and Timor, which de Sá includes in his compilations of
documents from the period 1568-79 relating to the history of Portuguese
missions in the Orient:
Map 1: Dominican mission stations on Flores,
Adonara and Solor in the 16th century (after Visser 1925: 292)
On this island of Larantuka, there would be
fifteen leagues between the main settlement, that is referred to by the same
name [i.e., Larantuka], and another that is further ahead on the island, called
Siqua [Sikka], and another called Pagua [Paga]. Ende is another fifteen leagues
beyond. All are Christian settlements, of one thousand firearms, and the
majority, in addition to many other Christians and pagans, are our friends,
having the aforesaid weapons.
Just how frequent and intense was the contact
between the Sikkanese and the Dominicans in the 16th and 17th centuries is an
important question for which I have no answer. But it is likely that the
contacts, and thus the direct influence of the Portuguese on the locals, were
mainly on the coasts. Having said this, surely some Portuguese must have
ventured inland from time to time (as from Krowé south into Tana ’Ai?) and
surely people from the interior must have travelled to the coasts, if only to
have a look at the foreigners—no place in east central Flores being more than a
day’s walk from the north or the south coasts. Evidence for at least indirect
Portuguese influence in the interior is strong. For example, a small number of
not-too-mangled Portuguese words turn up in transcriptions of ritual speech I
recorded in Tana Wai Brama in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Dutch acquired Flores from the Portuguese in
1859 but it was some years before they became sufficiently interested in the
region of Sikka to send a government official there. When that happened in the
1870s, the official settled not in Sikka Natar, the Village of Sikka on the
south coast and the home of the rajas, but at Maumere on the north coast.
Maumere was then a low-lying, hot, malarial place, sodden in the rainy season
and smoky and dusty in the dry. It has since grown into one of the largest
towns on Flores, a centre of education, and, with its excellent harbour and
landing strip, a major port of entry for Flores and a commercial centre.
According to Dutch records and the hikayat
of Kondi and Boer, much shuffling of allegiances and shifting of local negeri
(villages, but in the hikayat, clearly the Malay equivalent of tana,
‘domains’) between the two (and for a while, three) rajadoms of Sikka went on
in the two centuries before 1925. One effect of the shifting of negeri
(each of which was probably a tana with its own tana pu’ang) and
the rise of Sikka as a secular polity under the rajas of Sikka was to erode the
importance of what the early Dutch records call tana pu’ang-schappen (tana
pu’ang-ships). Once this process of incorporation into the rajadom and
erosion of the tana pu’angs’ authority was complete—by about 1950—the
local tana pu’ang retained respect in their communities, but no longer exercised
any real power.
Here we encounter the limitations of the scarce
historical sources on the early culture and history of Sikka and a peculiarity
of the voluminous later manuscripts written by Sikkanese authors. Briefly, the
problem is this: the authors of the first texts written by a few men of the
first or second literate generation of Sikkanese were all officials in the
government of the Rajadom of Sikka. The two major texts from that era, one by
D.D.P. Kondi and the other by A. Boer Pareira, treat the history of Sikka in
detail, but from the distinctive point of view of Lepo Geté, the ‘Great House’,
the Royal House of Sikka. Since the people of Lepo Geté are, according to their
own myth of origin, immigrants to Flores and by no means indigenes, their
history cannot be taken to be the history of the indigenous Sikkanese peoples,
which remains a subject about which we know very little. Furthermore, even the
main outlines of the internal divisions of the Sikkanese people into
communities is obscured, firstly by the Dutch, who created the administrative
districts of the rajadom, and then by the early Sikkanese authors, who were
little concerned with explaining the territorial categories and institutions of
the indigenous social landscape but were concerned centrally with the creation
of the Sikkanese rajadom and the legitimation of its rule.
Although information about early Dutch activity in
Sikka is sketchy at best, we can get at least a general idea of what was going
on in the old rajadom between about 1860 and 1942. Indeed, the picture becomes
a bit more detailed once the Dutch, with their penchant for archiving the memories
van overgave of their officials, arrived in Sikka.
The Dutch administrative divisions of Flores,
which must quickly have become territorial categories in the minds of the
Florenese (‘I am of Ende’, ‘He is from Sikka Maumere’, ‘They are Larantukans’),
changed often in the years from 1879 until 1942, when the Dutch flag over
Flores was replaced briefly with the Japanese rising sun. From 1879 to 1907,
these were the administrative divisions of Flores (Map 2):
Map 2: Dutch administrative divisions of Flores,
Note that this was before the Dutch had adjusted
administrative boundaries to coincide with the rajadoms they later recognised
on the island. Manggarai in the west was part of Gouvernement Celebes en
Onderhorigheden (Government of Celebes [Sulawesi] and Dependencies) while the
rest of Flores was administratively part of Residentie Timor en Onderhorigheden
(Residency of Timor and Dependencies). Within the Residency of Timor, South
Flores (Zuid Flores), which included Ende, most of Nage Keo and some of
Ngada, was part of the Division (D: Afdeling) of Sumba and Dependencies
while the rest of Flores was the Division of Larantuka and Dependencies.
Larantuka was divided into the subdivisions or districts (D: Onderafdelingen)
of North Flores (which included Sikka and Maumere, which the Dutch had made the
administrative centre of the subdivision), East Flores, Solor and Alor. This
administrative division of the island did not work too well, as a brief glance
at the map might lead us to suspect, and so, in 1907, the lines were redrawn as
follows (Map 3):
Map 3: Dutch administrative divisions of Flores,
In these years (1907-09), Manggarai remained part
of the Government of Celebes, while the rest of Flores was the Division of
Flores and was included in the Residency of Timor. South Flores was removed
from the Division of Sumba and made part of the Division of Flores, which was
divided into the Subdivisions of South Flores, North Flores, East Flores and
the Solor Islands. This arrangement should have worked all right, except that,
in 1908, an administrative division between West Flores and East Flores was
created. The new division crosscut South Flores and North Flores and must have
been the source of innumerable headaches for the officials assigned to the
island. But those headaches lasted only two years.
In 1909, the divisions of the island were shuffled
once again, in such a way as to bring the administrative divisions into accord
with at least some of the rajadoms on the island (Map 4).
Map 4: Dutch administrative divisions of Flores,
Manggarai was removed from the Government of
Celebes and made a subdivision (onderafdeling) of the Division of
Flores. The old divisions of South Flores, North Flores and East Flores
disappeared and were replaced by subdivisions (onderafdelingen) that
took greater account, though roughly, of the linguistic, social, economic and,
perhaps most important, the political realities of the island. These were (in
addition to the Subdivision of Manggarai) the Subdivisions of Ngada (including
Nage Keo), Ende (including Lio), Maumere, East Flores (including Larantuka) and
the Solor Islands. The subdivisions were further divided into districts (landschappen).
Most of the names of the districts corresponded with the names of
socio-linguistic groups on the island. The new district and administrative
arrangements were comparatively rational, since they took account of the native
rajadoms the Dutch had either recognised or created in the previous 50 years.
In particular, the three rajadoms of the District of Maumere, Sikka, Nita and
Kangae, were clearly demarcated. This arrangement of administrative divisions
survived until about 1930, when some of the rajadoms were amalgamated.
Joachim Metzner has given us the following
reconstruction of the political divisions of eastern Sikka towards the end of
the 19th century. This would have been some 20 years after the earliest entries
in the Dagboeken van het Controleuren van Maoemere, which were kept,
more or less faithfully, by the posthouders assigned to Maumere,
beginning in 1879, but before the dispute between the rajas of Sikka and
Larantuka over Tana ’Ai was settled (Map 5).
Map 5: Political divisions of Sikka towards the
end of the 19th century and before Dutch intervention in the border dispute
between Sikka and Larantuka
Map 6: Political divisions of Sikka in the early
20th century after Dutch intervention
More certain are the political divisions of the
District of Maumere after the boundaries established by the Dutch after they
settled the Tana ’Ai dispute at the beginning of the 20th century. The
settlement placed Tana ’Ai within the Rajadom of Kangae (Map 9).
Here we see plainly the way the Dutch, by 1904,
recognised the indigenous polities of the Sikka region, which were ruled by the
Raja of Sikka, the Raja of Nita and the Raja of Kangae. The Raja of Kangae
ruled a region created by the Dutch when they could find no other way to
control the subversive and overtly hostile activities of one Raja Nai against
the authority of the Raja of Sikka. These boundaries—around what the Sikkanese
called kapitan-schappen—correspond roughly to the kecamatan into
which the kabupaten is divided today.
By 1929, the Dutch acceded to the amalgamation of
the Rajadoms of Nita and Kangae into the Rajadom of Sikka, whose raja, Mo’ang
Ratu Thomas Ximenes da Silva, ruled the whole of the region of Sikka until his
death in 1954. The dissolution of the Rajadom of Kangae, which had been born of
a rebellion against the Raja of Sikka in the first decade of the 20th century
over a question of taxation, followed the enforced settlement by the Dutch of
the dispute between the rajas of Sikka and Larantuka over sovereignty over Tana
’Ai, which became firmly part of the Rajadom of Sikka. The Rajadom of Nita,
whose rulers were kinsmen of the Raja of Sikka, was also dissolved and its
territory placed under the rule of Sikka, partly as an administrative
convenience for the Dutch but also in response to the political activity and
persuasiveness of Raja Don Thomas, the last of the Sikkanese rulers.
After 1931 and until the beginning of the Japanese
occupation in 1942, the administrative map of Flores was as depicted in Map 7:
Map 7: Administrative divisions of Flores, 1931
to early 1950s
These boundaries were those of the rajadoms of
Flores within the Division of Flores. Under the government of the newly
independent Indonesia, the rajadoms were abolished in the early 1950s, after
which the old divisions, and their boundaries, were retained as kabupaten
in the new system of government.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Ritual Adat Congko Lokap, Rumah Gendang Leda, Ruteng – Manggarai - Flores, Indonesia
Ritual Adat Congko Lokap, Rumah Gendang
Leda, Ruteng – Manggarai
Suku Manggarai berada di bagian barat
pulau Flores yang menjadi wilayah terbesar didaratan Flores, Suku ini tersebar
di tiga wilayah kabupaten yaitu Manggarai Timur, Manggarai barat dan Manggarai,
yang merupakan kabupaten iduk sebelum Manggarai barat dan timur terbentuk.
Dalam suku Manggarai terdapat beberapa
ritual yang dilaksanakan tahunan yaitu Penti dan suatu acara besar lainnya
adalah Congko Lokap.
Congko Lokap merupakan sebuah upacara
khusus sesudah rumah adat “Mbaru gendang” dibangun.
Congko berarti pungut dan Lokap berarti kotoran atau sisa-sisa kotoran Kayu atau kotoran lainnya selama rumah adat dibangun, dalam konteks budaya Manggarai, kotoran yang dimaksud juga perbuatan atau tingkah laku warga yang kurang baik, dan mesti harus dibersikan melalui upacara ini.
“Poka Kaba Congko Lokap” diartikan
sebuah tradisi membunuh kerbau untuk membersihkan sebuah kampung pasca rumah
adat Gendang dibangun.
Ada beberapa tahapan dalam ritual adat “Poka Kaba Congko Lokap” yang harus dilalui:
Ritual “Barong Lodok”, ritual yang
dilakukan di sudut persawahan dan perkebunan milik komunitas warga dengan ayam
jantan sebagai lambangnya.
Ritual “Barong Wae”, ritual yang
dilakukan di mata air dengan ayam jantan sebagai lambangnya.
Ritual “Teing Hang Ata Tua”, atau
ritual memberikan sesajen kepada leluhur di kampung tersebut.
Ritual “Tudak Ela Penti”, merupakan
ritual berterima kasih dan bersyukur kepada leluhur sebagai perantara rahmat
dari Sang Pencipta.
Ritual” Ela Pantek”, ritual mengundang
leluhur untuk masuk di rumah adat gendang.
Ritual “Barong Rapu”, ritual meminta
leluhur di pekuburan untuk sama-sama menyaksikan upacara adat di kampung
tersebut dan dilaksanakan pada malam hari.
Ritual Ela Wee, ritual mengundang
seluruh warga Kampung dan sekitarnya untuk sama-sama menyaksikan dan
memeriahkan ritual “Poka Kaba Congko Lokap” yang diselenggarakan pada esok
Puncak dari berbagai rangkaian upacara
adalah Ritual “Poka Kaba Congko Lokap”, atau ritual membunuh hewan kurban
kerbau bersama sejumlah babi jantan besar dan kecil di tengah-tengah kampung.
Ritual ini diyakini sebagai bentuk rasa
syukur dan terima kasih kepada leluhur atas bantuan mereka sehingga rumah adat
bisa dibangun dan mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Sang Pencipta.
Kemudian ritual adat Poka Kaba Congko
Lokap ditutup dengan ritual Congko Laca.
Congko Laca merupakan ritual
membersihkan rumah adat dan halaman kampung dari berbagai kotoran hewan atau
membersihkan sisa-sisa kotoran hewan yang ada di dalam rumah maupun di sekitar
Ini merupakan ritual penutup dengan
lambang seekor ayam jantan berwarna putih.
Sumber :
Photography : Leonardus Nyoman –
congko Lokap,
Kampung Leda,
sulu Manggarai,
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Flores History, Ethnic and Languages, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Indonesia
Flores History, Ethnic and Languages
Flores is part of Indonesia’s Eastern
Islands. It stretches snakelike between the longitudes of 118°–125° E,
and between the latitudes of 8°–11° S.
The fascinating, strikingly beautiful
island is blessed with plenty of natural attractions. There are white
sandy beaches and deserted islands, soft-shaped hilly landscapes with
beautiful rice field vistas, interspersed with mountainous areas. The
island’s distinct rugged landscape with its complex v-shaped valleys and
knife-edged ridges was formed by an impressive, young volcanic mountain
range which spans over its approximately 400km length. Fourteen of the
volcanoes are still active; others, like famous Mount Kelimutu in the
Ende district, are extinct but nonetheless impressive with their crater
lakes and calderas. Until not so long ago, this challenging terrain was
hardly penetrable – a fact that contributed to the preservation of
Flores’ extraordinary cultural diversity.
Flores can be visited all year around.
Be aware, though, that the access to some of the mainland attractions
during the rainy season (December – February) may be quite challenging
or even impossible. Due to elevated sea levels, diving may also be
restricted to certain sites.
In Flores you will find plenty of
beaches. Black, white and even pink sandy beaches, blue pebble beaches,
beaches with mountains in the background, or just the jungle behind.
Those untouched, beautiful coastal strips with crystal-clear water are
spread all around the island.Besides the beaches, there are several
small islands which are great places to relax in idyllic surroundings.
Around Labuan Bajo,West Flores, are the secluded islands of Kanawa, Seraya Kecil and Bidadari.
They can be easily reached by one of the local excursion boats or by a
chartered fishing boat. All of these islands are blessed with white
sandy beaches and turquoise water. Take a swim, snorkel or lay back and
just enjoy your pristine hideaway.
Around Maumere (East Flores), there a plenty of easily accessible islands. The chain of islands
includes, among others, Besar (‘Big’ in Indonesian), Babi (‘Pig’ in
Indonesian), Pangabatang, Sukun, Palu’e, Pemana Besar and Pemana Kecil.
Due to the small distances, chartering a boat and hopping around the
islands is the best option for exploring all the idyllic beaches.
Before you dip into any of these
tropical waters, reassure yourself that they are free of strong
currents, and pay attention to tidal changes. Please be aware that –
except for the islands that are frequently visited by tourists – it is
considered inappropriate for women to wear just a bikini. If you do not
want to attract too much attention, it is highly recommended to wear a
t-shirt and shorts for swimming.
Flores is abound with great forests.
They range from lush, green mangrove forests in a healthy coastal
ecosystem and bamboo forests (around Bena Village) to vast areas of
tropical rain forests.
Mbeliling Forest
in the West Manggarai district consists of two types of tropical rain
forest ecosystems and is rich in limited-range bird life and endemic
bird species. Furthermore, it serves as a critical watershed area for
nearly 33,000 people who live in the area.
Besides Mbeliling, which offers great
hiking opportunities, there are several other tropical forests that may
be explored on foot, e.g. the mountainous forest of Mount Ndeki, the
isolated mountainous scenery of Wae Rebo Village (both in the Manggarai
district), or the forests of Kelimutu National Park (Ende District).
The Mount Ndeki is one of the best
places to observe tropical species of birds while wandering in the
pristine wilderness of the mountainous forest. The forest is also home
to green vipers camouflaging themselves as dry branches.
Most of the forests can be perfectly
combined with a cultural visit to the nearby villages; for example, to
visit the village of Wae Rebo, there is a pleasant hike through a dense
rain forest along a narrow path to reach the village. This forest is one
of the biologically richest areas in Indonesia.
The surroundings of the Kelimutu crater
lake, belonging to the famous Kelimutu National Park offer lush forests
full of birdsong. These forests are blessed with rare flora, such as
pine, mountain fig, and red wood.
The current geological formations found
in Flores and throughout Indonesia were predominantly shaped by dynamic
geological transformations during the early Pleistocene period (1.8
million years ago). These transformations included significant tectonic
movements with corresponding volcanic activities and extremely high
sea-level fluctuations.
A craggy mountainous landscape reflects
the island’s turbulent geological history in the midst of the so-called
‘Ring of Fire’, a geologically unstable hot-spot. Flores is part of a
volcanic belt which stretches from Sumatra through Java and Bali to the
Banda Sea. The island’s highest, still active volcanoes are Mount Egon
(1703m) in Maumere and Mount Inerie (2245m) in the Ngada district.
However, the most famous volcano is Kelimutu with its tri-colored crater
lakes, shimmering in green, turquoise, and black-red. Although many of
the volcanoes in Flores are not classified as active, they display a
number of post-volcanic formations worth seeing, such as calderas,
basalt columns, and volcanic lakes.
The volcanic activity is strongly linked
to the island’s position in a subduction zone, which is a tectonically
active spot where a number of different tectonic plates – the Eurasian,
Pacific, Indian-Australian, and Philippino plates – collide. There, the
heavier oceanic plate sinks under the lighter continental plate, where
they melt in the heat of a layer of liquid asthenosphere. The emerging
pressure, friction, and melting processes at the edge of these plates
often cause volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Flores is
very prone to these natural powers that sometimes cause major disasters:
in 1992, a strong earthquake, followed by a massive tidal wave, claimed
the lives of 3,000 people and destroyed the town of Maumere and its
Since very early times, the Florinese
have been confronted with people from many parts of the world. Some of
them came with purely economic intentions, others with ideas of power
and belief. Whatever their interest in Flores might have been, it is
certain that these outside influences left their footprints and
contributed to the already manifold social and cultural diversity.
Flores has had its own history long
before the first traders or missionaries arrived. However, as ancient
Florinese societies shared their history through oral tradition, little
is known about the origins of many of them. The first foreign visitors
to Flores probably encountered dispersed, independent settlements
consisting of several lineages which descended from a common ancestor.
By that time, political authority was locally limited.
Before the first Europeans reached
Flores, Makassarese and Bugis seafarers from Southern Sulawesi came to
Flores for trading and slave raiding, and took control of some of the
coastal areas. While the eastern coastal areas of Flores were under the
authority of the emperors of Ternate in the Moluccas, West Flores was
prominently ruled by the sultanates of Bima in Sumbawa and Goa in
Colonial era
A Portuguese expedition crew reached the
island in the early 16th century and named it ‘Cabo das Flores’, which
means ‘Cape of Flowers’. The island became an important strategic point
for the economic activities of Portuguese traders. However, Flores
itself was neither a source of valuable spices nor sandalwood. After a
long period of struggling with other trade powers, the Portuguese were
finally defeated and withdrew themselves to Dili in East Timor in 1769.
They renounced all their spheres of influence in Eastern Indonesia and
sold their remaining enclaves on Flores to the Dutch administration.
Even though the Dutch administration was
eager to expand its influence in Indonesia, it hardly interfered in
local political issues at the beginning. When the Dutch administration
decided to increase Flores’ potential as a source of income for its
state treasury, systematic measures were taken to improve the island’s
infrastructure and educational system. Being increasingly challenged
with rebellions and inter-tribal wars, the Dutch army launched a massive
military campaign in 1907 to settle the disputes. After being subdued
in 1909, the island was provided with a new administrative system,
dividing it into the five major districts of Manggarai, Ngada, Ende,
Sikka, and Flores Timur. Each of these administrative units was headed
by a local leader who was appointed by the Dutch colonial government.
Except for a short period of Japanese
occupation during World War II, the Dutch remained the dominating
colonial force until Indonesia became an independent nation state in
Nation building
The main focus of Indonesia’s first
president, Soekarno, was the building of a national identity for the
new-born state and the preservation of its fragile unity. Soekarno and
Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence on 17th August 1945. After four
years of bitter armed struggle and international pressure, the
Netherlands formally recognized Indonesian independence. On 17th August
1945, Soekarno proclaimed a single unitary Republic of Indonesia. He
also elaborated the idea of Pancasila, Indonesia’s five pillars of
national unity, as an attempt to incorporate the many different
religious and ethnic groups into an independent nation state.
President Soeharto, who followed
Soekarno after a period of violent takeover in 1965, aimed to lead
Indonesia from its rural condition into the modern industrialized world.
An important political issue under his so-called New Order government
was the economic development and growth of Indonesia. Therefore, the
government launched many health care, education, economy, and
infrastructure programs and projects with the idea of bringing modernity
to the remotest villages. After a long period of governing Indonesia in
a rather authoritarian way, President Soeharto was brought to fall in
Flores today
After the Soeharto regime, Indonesia was
turning into a more democratic and decentralized state. The positive
effects of these new policies for Flores were limited: the majority of
the Florinese people could not directly benefit from the increased local
autonomy and decentralization, and remained to be among the poorest
inhabitants of Indonesia. Most families on Flores still struggle with
the educational system. They cannot afford to pay the school fees for
their children, thereby reducing their future opportunities to make a
living beyond rural agriculture. Besides, the access to health care is
very limited – not only in the remote villages, but also in the larger
towns. Furthermore, the access to water, electricity, transportation,
communication, and information is still at a low coverage level.
However, the policy shift from a
centralized focus on Javanese culture to an increased appreciation of
Indonesia’s rich local cultural varieties brought some positive change:
traditional cultural features and peculiarities are not equated with
backwardness anymore, but proudly valued as the country’s treasure and
heritage, which also has the potential to attract domestic and foreign
tourists – and their spending power.
People and culture
To talk about one single Florinese
culture would definitely not live up to the stunning variety that
visitors find in Flores: unique local expressions of livelihood,
ethnicity, language, origin, belief systems, social structures, and
history that found their way through history into the present.
Flores’ amazing cultural diversity can
be partly explained by its geographical attributes, partly also due to
outside influences. However diverse, Florinese societies still share
many common cultural and linguistic traits within and beyond their
Language & Ethnicity
The uniqueness of Flores lies in its
amazing wealth of cultures, languages, and history. One of the
explanations for these local varieties lies in the island’s mountainous
nature: it hindered the access to the interior areas and made
communication between individual communities difficult, thus preserving a
huge range of long-standing local peculiarities.
Flores is inhabited by 1.8 million
people who roughly belong to the major ethno-linguistic entities of
Manggarai, Ngada, Nagekeo, Ende and Lio, Sikka and Lamaholot. These
groups can be further divided into many sub-entities with their own
cultural features and dialects.
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), the
official language, is used in the context of education, business, and
formal affairs. However, everyday conversations in Flores are still
carried out in the countless local languages and dialects, which all
belong to the so-called Austro-Polynesian language family.
The Lamaholot people live in Eastern
Flores in an area reaching from the mainland of the Flores Timur
district to the islands of Solor, Adonara, and Lembata. Lamaholot is
more of a language than an ethnic group. The linguistic boundaries do
not exactly correspond to the political borders, and the Lamaholot
people do not consider themselves to be a cultural unity. However, the
name ‘Lamaholot’ has been recently applied to the ethnic group as they
share many common cultural elements – e.g. the widespread practice of
the use of elephant tusks as a part of marriage prestige.
Another widely shared element of
Lamaholot culture used to be its distinct system of ritual leadership,
where four ritual leaders also shared governing power: the kepala koten
(kepala means ‘head’ in Indonesian) was in control of internal village
affairs. The kepala kelen took care of the external affairs. The other
two positions, hurit (also hurin or hurint ) and marang, had advisory
functions, while other influential village elders ensured that none of
these leaders got too powerful.
As is common place in many parts of
Eastern Indonesia, the Lamaholot people also used to recognize a
double-gendered divine being, consisting of ‘Lera Wulan’ (sun-moon) and
its female complement, ‘Tana Ekan’. Nowadays, the male Lera Wulan is
associated with the Christian or Muslim notion of God. According to the
traditional Lamaholot belief system, lesser spirits, called nitu,
inhabit treetops, large stones, springs, and holes in the ground. Also
worthy of mentioned are Ile Woka, the god of the mountains, and Hari
Botan, the god of the sea.
Besides prominent ceremonies and
festivals associated with house building, agricultural happenings, and
other events, the Lamaholot people also hold celebrations on the beach
in connection with the beginning of the annual fishing cycle.
The Sikkanese people live in the Sikka
district in East-central Flores. They are famed for their fine ikat
weaving, a handicraft deeply rooted in Sikkanese society, which is still
of high economic and social importance. Producing probably the finest
ikat in Flores, it is a pleasure to see so many people wearing the
beautiful traditional sarongs in their daily lives. Besides the art of
ikat weaving, the district boasts a fascinating history of their ancient
kingdom and the integration of early outside influences into their
local culture.
The Tana ‘Ai and the Sikka-Krowe
The two major societies of this district
are the Tana ‘Ai people in the mountainous eastern part of the district
and the Sikka-Krowe people in the central areas, as well as on the
north and south coasts. Sikka is the name of the ethnic group as well as
the domain formerly ruled by the King of Sikka. Apart from speaking
different languages, the Sikka-Krowe and the Tana ‘Ai societies also
have some cultural differences.
Due to their isolated settlements, the
Tana ‘Ai were not exposed a lot to outside influence until recently.
They used to live in several loosely organized domains called tana.
These domains were less territorial entities, but more defined by
religious and ceremonial borders. Each tana was led by the head of the
domain’s founding clan, and also had its own mahé, a central ceremonial
site which was found either in the village center or at a place in the
surrounding forests. Unlike many (other) Florinese societies, the Tana
‘Ai never had their own kingdom, nor did they have a prominent
bride-wealth system. Another distinctive feature of the Tana ‘Ai is
their complex and elaborate ritual language.
In contrast, the Sikka-Krowe were
frequently exposed to foreign encounters, including the Portuguese at
the beginning of the 17th century, who left cultural footprints that are
still noticeable. The Sikka-Krowe turned into a small kingdom, with the
village of Sikka Natar on the south coast as its center of power.
The first king to rule Sikka in the
beginning of the 17th century was Mo’ang (or Don) Alésu Ximenes da
Silva. During the Portuguese era in Eastern Flores, the people of Sikka
Natar took on Portuguese names, with the name ‘da Silva’ referring to
the members of the ruling house. A myth dates the origin of this ruling
house to a time way before the arrival of the Portuguese. The story
tells about people from South Asia who were shipwrecked on the southern
coast of Flores near today’s Sikka Natar. As they could not repair their
ship, they decided to settle there. Soon they started to arrange
marriage alliances with the indigenous people who lived in the hilly
interior. Don Alésu is believed to be a descendant of these shipwrecked
wayfarers. The myth also tells that the young Don Alesu travelled to
Malaka where he studied political science and got acquainted with
Christian religion. When he returned to Sikka, he brought with him
Catholicism and founded the Kingdom of Sikka.
After Don Alésu, Sikka was under the
subsequent rule of seventeen of his descendants. During the 19th and
20th centuries, the Dutch transformed it into a semi-autonomous state,
based on a policy of self-rule. The small kingdom had its heyday right
after the Dutch withdrawal post World War II. With the passing of the
last king, Don Josephus Thomas Ximenes da Silva in 1952, the rule of the
royal house of Sikka came to an end. Even though the kingdom had to
give way to the young Indonesian nation state, it lived on in the memory
of the Sikkanese people as a prominent element of their cultural
The festive Lio people live in the Ende
district of Central Flores, where they make up the ethnic majority. The
Lionese people use a fascinating range of artwork – architecture,
carving, ikat weaving, jewellery, and more – which bursts with symbols
that tell about their history, social life, and cultural values. Some of
the most prominent motifs in Lionese culture are boats, snakes, horses,
and humans. With natural attractions like the world-famous Kelimutu
crater lakes, the Lio area is a hiker’s paradise and worth at least a
couple of days of exploring.
The influence of adat belief systems is still quite strong in the Lio area. This may be explained by the fact that most of the Lionese people settled in mountainous terrain, therefore never gave up dry-rice farming. Consequently, many ritual and ceremonial activities related to the agricultural cycle of dry rice are still considered important, be it at the time of starting a new dry-rice field, the planting, or harvesting.
The influence of adat belief systems is still quite strong in the Lio area. This may be explained by the fact that most of the Lionese people settled in mountainous terrain, therefore never gave up dry-rice farming. Consequently, many ritual and ceremonial activities related to the agricultural cycle of dry rice are still considered important, be it at the time of starting a new dry-rice field, the planting, or harvesting.
A characteristic of many Florinese
cultures, the traditional Lionese belief system, is also centered around
the notion of a highest divine being that unites opposites, called du’a
gheta lulu wula, nggae ghale wena tana – the old one up on the Moon,
the ruler on Earth. The Lionese people believe in an afterlife.
Therefore, the dead are buried with gifts to take to their afterlife.
Good and bad spirits, as well as magic practices, are other important
elements of the traditional belief system. Many of these ideas and
practices live on, quite smoothly paralleled by Catholicism and Islam.
The Lionese people used to have and
still have a distinct political system dominated by the mosalaki –
leadership personalities with different responsibilities. At the very
top of the hierarchy stands the ria bewa, or the ‘great long one’. As he
has an all- encompassing decisive power, he may be called the highest
authority of a Lionese village. The ria bewa is followed by the mosalaki
pu’u, the ‘first mosalaki’, who takes the role of the ria bewa’s
executive and assistant in ritual matters. If, for example, the ria bewa
decides that measures have to be taken to bring rain, the mosalaki pu’u
will ensure that the necessary rituals will be arranged and performed
properly. Depending on the size of a community, there is a number of
additional mosalaki, each with his own specific responsibilities.
Ngada Nagekeo
Visitors to Flores who are eager to
encounter an extraordinarily vivid traditional material and ideal
culture should take some time to meet the Ngada (or Ngadha) and the
Nagekeo people. These fascinating communities live in Kabupaten Ngada
and Kabupaten Nagekeo, the same-named districts in Central Flores. The
Ngada people prominently settled around the legendary Mount Inerie and
the district’s capital town, Bajawa. The Nagekeo people settled around
the district’s capital town, Mbay. Apart from the Ngada and the Nagekeo
communities, who represent the major socio-cultural units, the districts
are home to several minor ethno-linguistic groups.
Even though the icons of Ngada culture –
eye-catching ancestral shrines, impressive megalithic formations, a
distinct architecture and a vivid ceremonial live are testimonies to a
distant past; they are not just relics, but an integral part of the
Ngada people’s present, which is a syncretistic co-existence of ancient
belief systems and Catholicism.
In contrast to other Florinese societies
and the Nagekeo people whose social organization is based on
patri-linearity, the Ngada people determine their clan belonging through
their maternal line. Genealogical continuity is transmitted only
through women, and the children are regarded as members of their
mother’s clan. Land rights, material inheritance and residence are
passed on matrilineally as well. However, Ngada matrilineal structure
does not mean that women have all the decisive power in a community’s
daily life. It is the men who usually dominate the public sphere,
gatherings, and political or legal debates. In the private realm,
though, it is the women who take prominent decisive roles.
In their local language, the Ngada
people refer to their village as nua. A nua consists of several houses
which are owned by different clans. The houses are usually set up along
two parallel lines. Each clan owns a pair of ancestral shrines, Ngadhu
and Bhaga, which are situated in the center of the Nua. Next to the
shrines, arrangements of megaliths are another famous element of Ngada
material culture.
The most popular villages in the Ngada district are Bena and Wogo. Both have become signposts of Ngada culture and display the richness of Ngada traditions. However, there are many other villages off the beaten track which are worth a visit.
The most popular villages in the Ngada district are Bena and Wogo. Both have become signposts of Ngada culture and display the richness of Ngada traditions. However, there are many other villages off the beaten track which are worth a visit.
The Manggaraian people are famed for
their long-standing heritage of ritual and ceremonial life, as well as
distinct agricultural and architectural practices. Caci performances, lingko fields and the Penti ceremony
are just a few among many highlights that the Manggaraian people are
proud of. With its many myth-spun cultural sites, embedded in beautiful
natural surroundings, Manggarai offers treasures not to be missed during
a trip to Flores.
Manggarai, situated in the westernmost
part of Flores, is the island’s most densely populated region. It is
divided into the three kabupaten (administrative districts) of
Manggarai Barat in the West, Manggarai in the center, and Manggarai
Timur in the East. Manggarai is considered to be roughly an
ethno-linguistic unit. However, there are many different dialects of the
Manggaraian language as well as some local variations of cultural
Very little is known of the earliest
history of the Manggaraian people. This gives way to colorful myths and
stories about their origin and descent. Many Manggaraian people believe
that their ancestors came from Minangkabau in West Sumatra, settled on
the coast, then proceeded to the island’s interior.
A central theme of Manggaraian culture
is the unity of the village, the house, and the fields, which is most
visibly expressed in their circular shape and their spatial division
into segments. A house used to be much more than a shelter to its
inhabitants, rather an expression of identity and belonging: the
particular architecture and structure symbolized kinship and marriage
relations, as well as patrilineal descent. Before the Dutch colonial
administration put an end to this way of living, entire clans used to
inhabit a single house, with different generations living side by side.
east nusa tenggara province.,
flores exotic tours,
tourist destination,
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
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Labuhanbajo - West Flores - Indonesia |
little town inhabited by fishermen, lies at the extreme western part of Flores
Island. The town serves as a jumping off point for the trip to Komodo Island.
It is a beautiful area for water skiing, wind surfing, fishing and many other
marine activities.
Batu Cermin Cave is five kilometers from the town of Labuanbajo. It can be reached partly by car, and partly on foot. The grotto is 75 by 75 meters large, and contains stalactites and stalagmites. Some tunnels are narrow and dark but in others sunlight falls.
Batu Cermin Cave is five kilometers from the town of Labuanbajo. It can be reached partly by car, and partly on foot. The grotto is 75 by 75 meters large, and contains stalactites and stalagmites. Some tunnels are narrow and dark but in others sunlight falls.
Ruteng is the capital of Manggarai Regency that was once ruled by the kings of Bima. The influences of Bima. The influences of Bima and Goa are evident in prevailing titles, such as Karaeng, and in the manner of dress. The shape of the roofs with the buffalo horn symbol, may be an element inherited from the Minangkabau. The cool town of Ruteng lies at the foot of a mountain. It can be reached by air from Kupang or Denpasar via Bima, or by ferry from Bima via Labuanbajo, or from eastern part via Ende and Bajawa. Beside the fame Komodo lizards, the area has many attractions to offer the tourists, such as the caci dance, a wildlife reserve, and archeological caves.
Cancar;Golo Cara; the unique lingko rice fields, circular terraces arranged like a spider web.
Liang Bua: the place where Homo Floresiensis was founded by the archeopathology of new England university of Australia and from Indonesia. The tiny skeleton called Hobbit was discovered during a three-month excavation inside Liang Bua, Scientists believe it may represent a new human species, Homo floresiensis, The species existed alongside modern humans as recently as 13,000 years ago, yet may descend from Homo erectus, which arose some two million years ago.
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Mount Inerie-Ngada-Flores island |
The capital of Ngada is Bajawa, which lies in the middle of the cool highlands. It is a pleasant little town such as is seldom found elsewhere in Flores. About 135 kilometers from Ruteng all about 5 to 7 hour - driving distance by car, Bajawa can also be reahed from Kupang by air-craft, and from Ende by car.
Abulobo and Inerie are between mountains with sharp peaks known locally as the "sky pillars", and popular among mountaineers. They are located near coast and have wonderful scannery.
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Bena Traditional village-Ngada Flores island |
Bena is prototype of an ancient Ngada village. Such villages are found in rather great numbers in the area and can be reached by car from bajawa in about one and half hours. The way of life of the people is unique, and so are the houses and the traditional ceremonies.
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Riung Marine Park - 17 Pulau |
Riung is now wellknown for its seventeen isles that makes the sea surrounding a paradise for marine lovers. Here one can dive, snorkel, and swim.
The beach is a sea-side resort with clear and calm water. There is a beautiful coral reef just off the shore.
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Kelimutu Crater Lakes - Ende Flores island Indonesia |
Ende was the site of a kingdom that existed around the end of the 1 8th century. The name today refers to the capital of the Ende regency, which includes the two autonomous territories of Lio and Ende. The people of the area therefore known as Lio Ende people. This town has for many decades been a center of government trade, education and political activity. Rebellion against the Dutch, led by a certain Nipa Do - known as the Wars of Watu Api and Mari Longa - decurred here in 1916 - 1917. And in 1934, the traditionalist leader Soekarno, who was later to become Indonesia's first president, was exiled to Ende by the Dutch colonial government.
The town Ende lies at the foot of mountains lye, lpi, Meja and Wongge. The beautiful bays of Ende, lpi, and Mbuu are favorite sites for beach-site recreation. Ende can be reached by aircraft from Kupang. And also from Denpasar via Bima, or by from Surabaya or Kupang.
The Bung Karno Museum is the old house occupied by Soekarno during his years of exile in Ende. Most of for the old furnishings are still there.
While in exile in Ende, Soekarno wrote and staged few plays, together with the Tonel Kelimutu theatre troupe. Among those plays were Rendorua Ola Nggera Nusa (Rendo That Stirred the Archipelago) and Doctor Satan, a revision on the story of Dr. Frankenstein.
Near the football field in Ende stands an old, big breadfruit tree. Under it, Soekarno often sat, working on political ideas to lead Indonesia towards independence. Those reflections presumably contributed to the opening of the Pancasila concept, which is now the state philosophy of the Indonesian Republic. Just from here was the Pancasila idea born. Today, the Pancasila Birth Monument stand on this precise spot.
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Kelimutu crater lakes,Ende,Flores island |
East Nusa Tenggara's natural wonder and one of Indonesia's most mysterious and dramatic sights that can be found on top this mountain, some 66 kilometers from Ende, or 83 kilometers from Maumere. It has a unique and spectacular view on its three crater lakes with their respective colors. The colors, however, have changed continually since the eruption of Mount /ye in Ende in 1969.
The mountain is located at the back of Mount Kelibara, in the Wolowaru District in the Ende, Regency of Central Flores. Keli means mountain and Mutu means boiling. In short, it means volcano. To the local people, this mountain is holy, and a token of God's blessings. It provides fertility to the surrounding lands. It is both heaven and the hell to the people of Lio Ende. Many travelers and scientists, have written about Kelimutu since it was discovered by Van Suchtelen, a Ducth government officer,
in 1915.
Father Bouman published an article in 1929, which made the name Kelimutu known all over the world. Since then, many researchers and tourits have come, as well as the Governor General of Batavia (Jakarta). To get to the lakes, one follows the road, from Moni, then proceed to the crater's top. Near the crater rim was a bungalow, which has now been dismantled.
The presence of the white men, or Ata Bara, was regarded disturbing to the peace of the ancestral spirits. As a result the spirits of Kelimutu disappeared. Earth quakes began rocking the land. Smoke is often released from the crater.
The eruption of 1928 caused many victims and much damage. In 1938 there was another eruption, coming from Tiwu Ata Koo Fai Noo, Ata Nuwa Muri (the Lake of Youth). The biggest took place in 1968, in which the water in the lakes was shot 10 kilometers high into the sky. The peak of Kelimutu itself is 1,690 meters high, and its lake crater I ,410. Other geological data are as follows: Tiwu Ata Polo (the Lake of Evil) has a slopping wall, 150 meters high. The lake is 380 by 280 meters large and 64 meters deep. The volume of the water is about 446,000 cubic meters.
Tiwu Ata Koo Fai Noo and Ata Nawa Muri (the Lake of Youth) has walls 128 meters high. The lake is 430 by 300 square large and 127 meters deep with a water content of about 500.000 cubic meters.
Timu Ata Bupo (the Lake of the old) has twi layers of walls, 240 meters high. The lake covers a surface of 300 by 280 meters high. The water is 67 meters deep and 345,000 cubic meters in volume. The total water content of the three lakes amounts to 1,3 million cubic meters.
In the last three ti five years, the lakes of Kelimutu have changed in color, a phenomenon caused by the geological and chemical processes in the bottom and walls of take lakes. It could also have resulted from changes in the bacteria and micro organism populations due to changes in temperature.
Another theory proposed by village elders, is that there has actually been no change at all, but that the effect is due to optical illusions. To reach Kelimutu can be done by flying to Ende or Maumere, then going by car to Kelimutu.
The surrounding villages are good places serving as bases for visits to Kelimutu, particularly those who wish to have a more leisurely pace and enjoy the views along the road between Ende and maumere, or spend more time in Kelimutu. Those title villages are also known for their excellent weaving all hand made, still use natural dyes.
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Lepo Lerun - weaving ikat - Nita - Maumere |
A port town on the northeastern coast of Flores and stopover on the way to Ende or to Denpasar, and Ujungpandang, and noted for its good beaches. The bay of Maumere, Waiara, is considered the best diving spot (Flores Marine Resort) as it promise extremely rich marine life.
The resort is a paradise for all divers, underwater photographers, and for everyone interested in marone biology. It has a beautiful sea
garden filled with corals and fish. So does Koka, nearby. Accommodation and facilities for recreation are available.
Ledalero Museum at the outskirts of Maumere has an interesting collection of ethnological objects for the region. Visitors are welcome but advanced arrangements should be made. Ledalero is also a name of a major Catholic Seminary from many of Florinese priest originated.
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Weaving ikat,Sikka Natar-Maumere Flores island |
Sikka was in the past of kingdom, but is is now a regency. The capital is Maumere, on Maumere Bay on the north coast of Flores. The town can be reached by air from Denpasar, Kupang, and Ujungpandang, or by sea from Surabaya, and over land from Ende. Bare mountains and hills dominated the landscape. Today a reforestation program has turned large parts into green pastures.
A prehistoric bronze boat from the Dongsong era, called Dobo or Baobatung is found in a village near Maumere, where it is carefully kept by the people as an ancestral heirloom.
Paga is an old village near the beach. It was a refuge for Catholic missionaries who retreated to this area as the result of pressures by the Dutch authorities in Flores. There is an old well with clear water. Its location is 40 kilometers from Maumere. The small town Nitta was the site of kingdom, and is rich in historical places, traditional ceremonies and beautiful woven clothes with various motifs. It is located 10 kilometers from Maumere.
Sikka-Lela are the viliges which were formerly center from which the Roman Catholic religion spread across Flores. An old well, dug by the priest Le Cocg (1885), can still be found. Bola Beach is located in the southern past of Flores near Sikka and Lela. Many historical relies are found in these two areas, ranging from traditional houses, to rare ivory heirlooms. Ivory was in the past use as a dowry in marriage. Some of the villages in Sikka, such as Sikka, Lela and Nita produce beautiful ikat textiles with motifs that are peculiar to the region.
Like TanaKa, in Ende the soil covering hill near Lakebai is also edible. The grains of earth can be eaten after they are fried.
The island of Palue, in the north of Flores has a megalithic culture. In the
front- yard of houses lie the graves and "mezbah" offering stones.
The people of the area are known to make great sailors. Life is still much
influenced by the belief in spirits, which are believed to reside in natural
objects. The island can be reached in a few hours by motorboat from the Maumere
Flores island,Indonesia
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